Success May Take Time Case Study

Nanopass MicronJet Needle

Nanopass MicroPyramid microneedles
Nanopass brought us a unique and groundbreaking type of microneedle. Manufactured by using MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology, the needles are robust hollow micropyramids formed from pure silicon crystals. MEMS technology has enabled the creation of microneedle devices with unprecedented mechanical stability and structural precision. The company also developed devices and delivery modalities which have overcome the practical problems of ensuring reliable penetration of 600 micron microneedles into the skin barrier.
We worked closely with Nanopass during the various stages of product design and development to create a strong IP protection. The product then passed many stages of due diligence studies by various medical device companies. Success was not fast to come.
After more than a decade of development and modification, in 2016 Nanopass recently closed a large deal with WEST which is now facilitating their bringing their products to market in a wide range of applications.